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December 05, 2021 0 Comments
Hey friends! How are you today? I was in the middle of packing orders, and we lost power. So I decided that I would jump on live and give you a little tour while I wait for everything to reboot because yeah, it takes a little bit for everything to reboot after you lose power. We have no idea why we lost power today, but we did. And now thankfully it's back. It was only off for about an hour. So I just figured, now that I have it back on, I can't pack orders until the systems are back up and running. So I will give you a little -- oh sorry, I'm a little jiggly. I'm holding my phone today. So I just thought I'd give you a little walking tour and show you everything behind the scenes. If you have questions on anything, feel free, shout it out. Let me know, and I will do my best to answer it. Let me think... We'll have a few things posting as I speak, but it may not match up to exactly what I'm saying because the order sometimes shuffles on me. So let's start.
I'm Lisa here at Plymouth Cards today, and we have lots to show you or not we, I have lots to show you. Let's see. Feel free to ask about anything. This might be right now is our wall so you can see it. So that's where we have all our pens and all our gift bags. All our gift bags are made here in the US and they're made with recycled papers, which I think is really cool. And then I'm going to keep my head maybe out of it for a bit so you can see some more things, maybe get some more up close and personal. Here is all a sampling of our rustic candles. They come in these rustic tins and they will have rust on them because they are made to look old. So we have those. And let's see what else we have. It might be better. I think I might try and turn the camera for a bit. I'm not sure if that's easier for you or not. But here is our wall of our home goods, I guess you could say. We have our wax melts that come in many different scents. Right now. I have been burning It's A Wonderful Life and when I tell you every free day I have it burning and UPS, the Post Office, FedEx or just about anyone that comes in, they say oh my gosh it smells amazing in here. What is that? So that is it, It's a wonderful life, it smells like cinnamon buns, it's so amazing.
Let's see what else have I got to show you? So here is another wall behind me that might be better for you to see. I just thought it would be good for you to see everything too so that you know what have if you're still doing some shopping. We are going to get all your orders out right away. We've been shipping everything every day. Say hi! Let me know where you're watching from I'm here in Plant City Florida. I'm not sure if you can see me on my screen, I can't see me I can only see a piece of me, but I think it's probably more important for you to see the products than me. So I am just showing you everything as we go. So these are our wine bottle candles, the soaps are all made here in Florida by a woman, she raises goats and she uses the milk to make amazing soaps. Vinny's favorite is the honey -- which one is it? It's right here. It's called Honey oatmeal milk he likes it because it has little pieces of oatmeal in it so that when so he doesn't drop the soap, it gives him some grip. I love Santa baby; it has this refreshing, sweet smell. I like sweet things. I don't like sour, so that's my favorite one right now. That's what I've been using. And let's see, we have all our wall-hangings up there.
So I'm just giving you a little tour right now while I wait for everything to reboot so that we can -- after our power loss, I needed everything to get back going. So I'm just using my phone to do a little tour while I hang out. What else do we have? We have our little notepads, cats they have magnets on the back. We have dogs as well, our oven mitts that's all we have left. They've been selling. People have been loving them. We have our flour sack towels. Hopefully, I'm doing okay, not making you too sick.
Let's see what else we got. Okay, so now we're going to go into the back. And the back, it was so organized last month. But I don't know about you when things get hectic and busy, we've just been like running all crazy getting your orders out. So the back has become a little chaotic. And I'm not joking, I know I posted that meme yesterday about boxes that someone else had come up with. And seriously, that is our life here with boxes everywhere. So I just thought you might enjoy knowing that we really are humans, we're not robots. Okay. Oh yeah, here's our greeting cards. I love this little rack because we do get people that come in, that live in the area. But I made these little signs now so that you can see, you know, I feel so official with our little signs on there. So you can see what category it is, it makes it easier. We have some really great Christmas ones. If you just need a vintage one or two to send somebody that you don't want to send your whole -- Like I use these for, you know, people that don't know my children, so I wouldn't, per se send them a picture of my kids. So that's what I use our vintage cards for.
Okay, so as I continue on, behind me, oh, I'm going to keep going fast because that's something new for 2022 and you shouldn't see that yet. Oh my gosh. Okay, I want to see if I can find -- we have these really cute wooden spoons. And we have one that says home baking. What is it? It's a baking star one, I'm not going to be able to find it because I want to. Hopefully that's not too loud. Oh, here it is. Holiday Baking Star. So if you do -- I'll hold it up for another minute so you can see it better. So holiday baking star, I think this is the perfect wooden spoon if you do a baking contest. We did baking contests in my family for many years. I guess up until I moved away from home, from Boston. And now we're in Florida, so I can't really -- when I go back, it's very quick, we go back and I wouldn't have time to do baking there. So I think that would be such a fun gift. We always gave like fun prizes for gifts. So behind me -- Oh here I should show you. These are where we keep all the charcuterie board, these are made from wine bottles. I love them. So we have those. We still have some in stock. That's what else I wanted to let you know, is that we do have a lot of products still in stocks to ship right away. I know a lot of businesses are running out of things. So the only things that I've run out of our Holly cards -- I apologize. I know this is probably very jiggly. We are almost out of our pine cone season greetings one, the one that has the message inside, we're under 100 on that. And what other one are we running low on? Gingerbread man. That one was very popular this year, too. We only have I think 35 left. But other than that, oh, I should show you. Maybe you want to see the big wall of cards. So there we go. I'm going to move my head out of the way. And here you go. You can see all our cards right there. Can you see them all? Okay, maybe if I hold it up higher, that's probably better. So now you can see all -- well, that's just the, you know, obviously just the side of them. But we keep them all in boxes, we can just quickly pull them, those ones that have all been what we call QC'd, involving quality controls, to make sure that there aren't any issues with them so that it's easy, we just grab them off the shelf and run.
Now this bottom shelf is where we keep all of our collections. We have you know the sampler which is so popular that has 30 cards, 30 different colors. That is our I think our most popular one when people are just trying our cards for the first time, because they don't know what colors they like and how it's all going to work with their pictures. So we do that. Usually that whole shelf is filled but we've just been making them on the fly because we've just run out, so there's that. Let's see. Okay, so now I'm going to keep walking. Okay, now we have behind me, all our ornaments. So we keep them, I have all these -- we really reuse and repurpose everything we possibly can not only in the business, but also, you know when we ship to you as well. So I reuse the envelope boxes, all these white boxes our envelopes come in, but then we use them and I just label them all. And I'm really crazy, I know it sounds crazy, but I like the labels to all look the same. For each product type at least so I have to print them out on a machine. You know, I know a lot of people are happy with just handwritten labels, but I'm revealing probably too much about myself. But I don't know, are you like that too? Do you have to have things just so, certain things I need to but... So that's... We have our hope, our believe, our whole positivity collection of the pins and key chains. So that's all that.
I don't know, hopefully you're liking this behind the scenes tour as I go. And I apologize that the pictures that are showing up probably on the screen are not syncing up with what I'm saying. I just didn't know how it was going to all come down. But yeah, so here's our new we have our class of 2022 ornaments that have come in. We have all our soap rests, everything's boxed, and they’re ready to go. What else do I have? Oh, over here. In these boxes down here are our state wooden heart ornaments. We now have every state. I just got a new supply in a couple days ago, so we have every state. All 50 states plus Washington DC. So we have those, they're really cute. I don't know if you've seen them. So here's Indiana. I now know what all the states look like, I kind of knew. But I'm much more confident now in my state shapes now that we carry them all. What else do we have? Down on the bottom, we have all of our wine bottle ornaments. I know that's probably a little I'm sorry if I'm making you sick. Please forgive me because I'm walking. And then we have our paint can candles. Have you seen these? They're so adorable. They're made with the little paint cans. And it's soy wax. He is really great guy. So we have a bunch of different scents we have a lot of them. You know we have the Moscow Mule and the hard cider and then we have popcorn, I'm trying to see read the tops of them, Rum and Coke. So that's you know, hopefully none of my neighbors are watching but that's what they might be getting for Christmas, a few of those so yeah. So that's all our candles then back here is, if you've seen our little wooden houses that holds pictures and then our trees, that hold the pictures as well, there are slits in the top. And that's all our excess ribbon back there. But we fully stocked because said on everything with the exception of the Holly card sold out. Holly card is sold out and we are sold out of almost sold out of the gingerbread man and the pine cone season greetings. So here is our shelf with our clearance cards. I keep all the Swatch Books here as well so that when you order a swatch book, they're ready to ship out. A swatch book isn't a physical book, I'll show you. It's a pack, it's like this. And then we tie it up at the top with twine. We don't pre-tie them until they're ready to go out because we are running out of -- not running out, sometimes the colors get discontinued by the paper manufacturer before it's time. So there's that.
Yeah, so that's our little tour as I go through. And now we're walking into card territory where all the cards are. And now you can see what I mean about boxes. We just have boxes and boxes and more boxes. So we got that and then now these are all cards, all cards. And then we're heading into our picture frames. We have a good supply of those, and then the end is just boxes. I kid you not. If you want to see it's just boxes and boxes, boxes of boxes. So I've got that for you today and I hope that's helpful so that you know, you know some of the things that we do have, everything that's in stock. We're shipping, let’s see, all orders have shipped. Orders that were placed Saturday and Sunday which is today, will ship Monday, Tuesday at the latest. We did have a power outage, we don't know why. But that has set us back. Unfortunately, we were cooking with gas and then that just threw us for a loop. I think I hear everything is now back. I hear all the printers are back on. But we couldn't print labels, we couldn't print your orders. So it was just a pickle. But yeah, but we were able to before power went out, we were able to print, I don't know if you can see this table behind me that's all filled with orders that are ready to be just weighed and shipped. So we've got that going. If there's any questions you have, if there's any products you're interested in seeing up close and personal, just let me know. I'm happy to go through and show it to you up close and personal. And I think that's what I've got for you today.
I'm going to get ready to get everything all packaged up and out for you. I'm just thinking if there was anything else I wanted to say, but I think that's it. We just, yeah, now that the power is back on now I can get back to work. And I will see you again soon.
Oh, I guess the most important thing is, I should have said this at the beginning that Clarence sale ends tonight. Oh, thank you so much for liking me. I like you too. I don't know who did that. But thanks for liking this little video that I'm doing right now of craziness. But we do have our Clarence 2021 ornaments, which we don't usually put them on sale like this before. So it's a special, for every -- I'm so glad you're able to work with me and know that I am so human, it's not even funny. So here we go, Clarence 2021, buy two get one free, use the code FLASHFB, as in F for face and B for book. So FLASHFB and if you use that code through the end of today, I have it going through 3am because of pacific time and I know we have a lot of people on the west coast. So through midnight Pacific Time, which is 3am Eastern time, it will work. And for every two you buy you get one free, there's no limit. So if you buy four you get two free if you buy six, you get three free. So that's that story.
But yeah, I thank you so much for being here and hanging out with me, checking out the tour, let me know what you think. If you have any other questions, you can reach me. Okay, let me see. You can reach me 877-830-3405. If you'd like to chat on the phone, that's how to reach me by phone. If I don't answer it means I'm on the other line. So just leave a message and I'll get back to you. And on the other line means I'm on the line, we have call waiting. But that's the extent of our technology on the phones. And you can also chat with us through the website, or you can chat through Facebook direct messenger. So those are the best ways to reach me. You can always email but if you need a quick reply, those are the three quickest ways to get in touch with me. Alright. I thank you so much for being here. And if you have any other questions, feel free to write them in the comments too. And I check those. Alright. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks so much for being here. Bye.