Five At-Home Activities for Kids

March 19, 2020 0 Comments

Five At-Home Activities for Kids-Plymouth Cards

Like many households, we are trying to stay positive and entertained during this Corona virus situation. Being housebound can be difficult. Since our kids are now in their 20’s, we asked our neighbors for tips on what to do with school-aged kids and younger. Here is what we gathered. 

  • Teach them household chores:
    • Laundry- When our kids entered 6th grade, we taught them to do laundry. Although Beni was upset that she had to wait so she started in 5th I pretty sure that she still regrets that decision. 😊
    • Help with dinner – Depending on their age, they can help with setting the table for family dinner, helping make a salad, making a side dish and more.
    • Mopping the floors –Make it a game where you put checkers or Legos on the floor and they have to hit each one. This way you know they got all the key spots.
  • Have them be movie critics:
    • For the pre-teen/tween, make it fun. We all know kids want to watch movies. Why not have them be a “movie critic”. Give them a list of questions they need to write about. Or print the review template that we made
    • Movie Critic review by Plymouth Cards for kids
    • Or have them do a reporter style one using a phone video camera
    • This way they are doing something instead of zoning out.
  • Write cards and letters:
    • Grandparents and seniors are missing in-person interaction, especially their grandchildren. Have the kids write and send them cards. Everyone loves getting personal mail and it is a way to stay in contact. Also have them write and send some to your local nursing home, many residents would love getting personal mail.
    • For an added bonus, use Plymouth Cards. Cut a piece of paper to 4” x 6”, have the kids draw a picture. Insert this drawing into the front of the Plymouth Card and now the recipient will have an original piece of art to treasure in addition to a handwritten note.
    • And also take this opportunity to show them how to address an envelope with mailing address, return address and stamp. Write letters to housebound seniors elderly grandparents
  • Geocaching/Treasure Hunt
    • Need an adventure and fresh air? Then geocaching may be for you.
    • Geocaching is a game in which players (you) are given the geographical coordinates of a treasure which you search for with a GPS device.
    • There are free apps available, we like the one simply called “Geocaching” in the Apple app store. Here are a few others too.
    • If you have a large backyard, set up your own. Make it fun and educational too by having to solve math word problems to find the hidden treasure.
    • Geocaching with kids
  • Photography

We’d love for you to share your ideas too. Sharing and helping each other is how we will all get through it. #TogetherAtHome #StayHome

All opinions are our own.