October 14, 2020 0 Comments
Hello, happy Wednesday. My name is Lisa, I'm the owner here at Plymouth Cards if you've not met me before. And I know I'm a minute or two late today, little technical difficulties, but all is going well. Hope everything's going well where you are. Today is an exciting day because the Less Than Perfect Shop has opened up today. And the Less Than Perfect is products that don't meet our high-quality standards. I'm very particular. I found out, I did not know this about myself. Well, I guess I did but I didn't know it when it was about products. So I am very particular about the products that we ship out to our customers. So there are some items that didn't meet our standards. So what we do is that two to three times a year we open up our Less Than Perfect Shop and the prices are to sell. So for this week, it's open right now. Actually, it's almost. Can you...I'm just going to...very odd, but I'm going to go...hold on one second, I forgot to open one thing up.
Sorry, I'm back. I just forgot to make the Clarance’s live on the website. So Less Than Perfect, as I said just a moment ago for anyone that is still here, is just the products that don't meet our high-quality standards and they are at a lower price. So I just wanted to go over a few and it is first come first serve. The shop is only open until the 31st of this month. And I will be adding more products periodically throughout as we go through more boxes and get more product to put on there. But I think there's a fair amount of product on there right now. So I just wanted to show you.
So we have some Clarences that have some wonky masks. So what I mean by that is I just want to show you, if you can see, look at his yellow mask. So I think there's...I don't know, see the pink one. So those just don't meet my standards. And I'll show you a few other examples of masks that just don't...see how it's just a little...What happened is they just weren't 100% dry. So when they went into the bag, they just got a little wonky, which is fine. I think it's actually kind of funny in my opinion because it's been a wacky year, right. So what better way to symbolize it even more so than with a wonky mask. See how they're, I don't know if you can see. So I think there are six or eight colors that we have in perfect masks for. Some colors have more than others, so if you're interested. Oh, that's what I wanted to tell you. They're $7.50 versus the usual $10, so there's a 25% off the regular price. So you can just jump on and shop away.
To get to the Less Than Perfect Shop, first go to shop, photo insert note cards and then at the very bottom of that it says Less Than Perfect. I'm in the process of trying to move it to a more intuitive spot but for right now, that is where it is. And we also posted the link right in this live, so that you can just click and go shop right there. So that's the masks.
Shop Our Less Than Perfect Section Here.
The other thing is we have cards, different kinds of cards, we have a bunch of holiday cards, so if you haven't done your holiday card shopping yet this is a great time to do it. We have cards with what I call gear impressions. So what happened is when the cards were being made and they were going through the machine, the gears weren't far enough apart, so the cardstock on the card actually went through the gear and left marks at the top and the bottom of the card. Is it noticeable? Some people say yes, some people say no. It's the first thing I saw. But again, like I said earlier, I'm very particular. And to me I just can't unsee it but I just wanted to show you. So usually a 10 pack of our cards is $13.99 and we're selling a 10 pack of these gear impression cards for $8. I'm going to show you, I don't know if you'll be able to even see the gear impression on the front and the back, you can see a lot of pictures on the website. What I'm going to do is I'm going to try to color on the back of this, so maybe that will show. I think that's going to show you what I'm seeing. So can you see right there in the pencil mark? You can see the gear impressions right there, see how it's like little lines. So it's not a mark in the sense that it's a dark color, it's right on the actual paper. It didn't leave any grease or anything like that but it is an imperfection that I just don't feel comfortable selling as first quality. So what we're doing is a 10 pack is $8, a 30 pack is $21 and if you want to buy 125 because we know a lot of people buy bulk at Christmas time, those are $72.50. So it breaks down the 10 pack $8, so that makes it 80 cents a card versus our usual $1.49, or a 10 pack would be $13.99. So that is $1.40 basically. And then the 30 pack is 70 cents a card, so that makes it $21. And the 125 pack is 58 cents a card. So it's really great pricing on these Less Than Perfect cards. So I only pulled a few from the box so that you can just see some of our patterns. So we have Christmas Dots, we have Buffalo Plaid, I know that there's Holly I just didn't have any in the box that I opened; The Red Truck, It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, we have that. The Gingerbread Man, I also knew that...trying to think of what else I saw. But when you go on to the website, you'll see all the designs there.
So I have gear impressions for holiday and then gear impressions non-holiday. The non-holiday gear impressions for example, our Vintage Flair Card. This is one of my favorite cards because it just makes me think of old times. I remember peeling these or licking and sticking these on and putting pictures down in my paper albums growing up. So that's why I came up with this design of a card. And I just really love it. So we have these in there. And then there are some seashell cards that got the gear impressions as well. So like I said, those are all $8, $21 or $72.50, depending on the quantities that you want to buy. And they're all there in that Less Than Perfect Shop, which is also linked right here in the comments. Thank you Benny for doing that for us.
The next thing and I'm not sure if it's going to show up on the camera as well. But again, in the Less Than Perfect Shop, we have just the other issues that we've had in manufacturing. Manufacturing is exciting and challenging all at the same time. So we've had some situations where the cards, when they're going through the machine, they get pulled. And what I mean by pulled is, can you see that little pull right there? So what happens is it just gets stuck in the machine and leaves these little pulls. So what you can do, I'm going to demonstrate is, I use my fingernail and rub over it like this with my fingernail and look at that - it flattens it out and I can still see it but most people can't. So all the cards that have non-gear impression marks are 10 for $5. So that makes them 50 cents a card. So that's a steal of a deal. So we have red...there's more than just the pulls, the pink has a pull too. Sage, I'm just giving you examples, all the cards could have different imperfections. No card has more than two imperfections. Be it this or I don't know if you can see on the sage - it's bubbled right here. So what happened is when it got folded, the paper didn't fold exactly right and it left a bubble or a...can you see that? Hopefully you can see that. If you can't, let me know. But it just bubbles but the beauty...I didn't bring my picture. I guess I'm a mess today. So when you put a picture in here...I'm going to go grab a picture, I know very unethical, I'm crazy today. Let me go grab my picture. So what happens when you put a picture in, is that you just don't see it as much because quite honestly, people focus on the picture, they don't focus on the card. Oh, it's pretty, the card is pretty, but they're focusing on your image. See how it's just not noticeable now that it's wrinkled there, bubbled up. I guess you can see a tiny bit but I feel like the card receiver isn't going to be as critical as I am about the cards because they're not the buyer, they're not the manufacturer. So when they receive it, they're so happy to get a card in the mail that they don't focus on the craziness of that. So that's one of the things that is an imperfection.
Other imperfections are, I'm hoping they are going to show up on the camera - is when the window gets punched out by a machine sometimes the pressure is too high and it causes a crease in the corner. So I'm hoping you can see, see right there. Sometimes it leaves a tear and sometimes it leaves a crease. And like I said it just bothers me, so we're going to sell them all. Like this little...here is just part of the paper. Sometimes when paper is made, the way the weave was made it has some lines in it. But see how that...I'm hoping you can see that crease right there. So that's an example. Other than that the card is beautiful, it just has the crease. So those are in the Less Than Perfect Shop. So they're 10 for $5, that's another example.
I wanted to see what else did I pull here? Oh, just another color. See how here there's a little crease and then here there's another crease. So those are examples. And then on the brown, the nutmeg, we also have another tear here and I'll demonstrate again. So you can see there's a pull, a pull and a pull. So what I'm going to do is I'm just going to rub my fingernail over them again. And see how it's barely noticeable, like right there you can see it just a little bit but it just makes it better. My hair is a mess too, sorry, I'm just a mess today. So that's all the Less Than Perfect. It is open. The link is at the bottom. If you have any problems or questions feel free to reach out.
Something different about the Less Than Perfect Shop, is its online only. There's zero phone orders for that because the inventory is so limited and fluid with orders coming through because the sale, they go quick, that I just don't want to take phone orders and then oversell something that we don't have. That's all that. So now, new, exciting. So that's the Less Than Perfect Shop. It's open. It's open until Halloween, closes at midnight on Halloween. And then it won't be open again until sometime next year, early winter, maybe February March. Not really exactly sure. But that is that.
So I wanted to show you, I know last week I showed everyone the paper rendering of the new George and Mary Snowman, Snow People. I'm not sure what we want to call them. I'm putting the ribbon on Mary right now. So I got my sample in the mail. Thank you, Ellen. And there's Mary. Look at her. Oh, that's not her. Is that...yeah, it is. Sorry, I thought I put the wrong one up. So look at Mary. She has a red sweater Poncho on and so there's the real-life version of Mary and then I have George as well. I'm going to show you George. The cool thing about George and Mary is their hats are the same texture to just add to their togetherness, they're a pair. You don't have to buy them in a pair, they're just like all the Clarence ornaments. They're $10 each, 100% pewter - solid pewter, I should say. And there's George and he has a green scarf. So right now these are the only color options we do, you can pick the different color hanging ribbon but the scarf is green and her sweater Poncho is red. Look at how cute they look together. They're the same size as Clarence, both three inches tall. And yeah, so that's...I love oh wrong one. He has his sunglasses on, I just think that's really cute. So those are the snowman. Those are the new snow people. They'll be in, they'll be shipping hopefully the week of the 26th, well in time for Christmas. So yeah, reach out if you have any questions about George and Mary.
And then we have one more, this is our last new color that we're adding. And after this, we're done. And some colors will be selling out of and not replenishing. So one of those is burnt orange, we're not going to be getting any more burnt orange in. So if that's the color that you need to have, you should purchase that sooner than later. And it just went to our last glitter, we got a green glitter in. So I love that. He's just so fun and sparkling. The glitter masks are $12.50 versus all the other ornaments are $10, just because it's just a little bit more time-consuming. So those are $12.50. And I wanted to share that. So I hope you have a great rest of your day and I'm just going to make sure that was everything I wanted to talk about today.
Yeah, so the one other thing with the Less Than Perfect Shop is the volume of orders is very large on that when this opens, so you have to give us up to please, we ask for five business days. We try to ship obviously sooner than that but sometimes it just takes a lot of time to pack the orders because people are buying so much. Therefore we ask for the five business days but more often than not it goes out in a couple but I just want to have you have the proper expectations. I'd rather you be surprised that it shipped early than mad at me that it's shipping later than I said. So there's that and I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to watch my Facebook Live. If you ever have any questions please just write it here, you can private message me, you can email orders atplymouthcards.com orinfo@plymouthcards.com, both of those. You can also give me a call, my number is 877-830-3405, I answer the phone. And the last thing is the catalogue has been out in the mail a week and a half ago. And people are starting to get them, so hopefully you got yours and I'm really happy with how it came out.
And again, I hope you have a great rest of your day and I'll see you next Wednesday if not sooner. Bye.