How To Sell Your Photography Series – Self-Promotion

January 15, 2020 0 Comments

How To Sell Your Photography Series – Self-Promotion-Plymouth Cards

In our series, “How To Sell Your Photography”, we’ve offered ideas on how to use local stores, craft fairs, and online options. Now, let’s focus on self-promotion at different kinds of events and how to make the most of those unplanned moments when a potential client is standing right in front of you. Your next client may be discovered at:

  1. Professional gatherings, such as business networking events, give a variety of business owners the opportunity to meet and learn about each other’s businesses. Typically, business cards are exchanged for future contact and referrals.self-promotion networking business cards
  2. Social gatherings can bring together old friends and new ones. Perhaps you’ll reconnect with a friend you haven’t seen in a while or be introduced to a new acquaintance who has an interest in your photography.
  3. A casual dinner with friends is a great time for people to let their guard down, share their dreams and goals, and discuss things that are personally meaningful. Away from the demands of work and home, you may be surprised to find a connection you didn’t realize was there before.
  4. Sporting events bring out faithful fans interested in enjoying and capturing their team’s best moments. You can easily connect with these sports fans and showcase your skills, winning over fans of your own.
  5. Random interactions – Have you ever had a great conversation with a complete stranger while waiting somewhere – the dentist’s office, a DMV waiting room or an absurdly long line at a local theme park? This is a relaxed and low-pressure setting where you could discover the perfect client for you!

Related posts: Marketing Tips for Photographers

You can make the most of these opportunities to promote your photography business by having a business card or other promotional item with your contact information on hand. Here are a few ideas to promote your photography business:


  • Business cards, buy from your local printer or an online company that offers eco-friendly recycled cards like PSPrint. And if you have the budget, use both sides and include one of your best images. Business cards use both sides
  • Plymouth Cards (of course!! with custom printing on the back)Custom printing company information for promotion
  • LinkedIn (if you forget your cards but remember their name)
  • Haystack (online digital business card)

Extra tip: Always keep cards with you: in your bag, in your pocket, in your car. You just never know when you will need them. 

Hopefully you have found these tips helpful for selling your photography, let us know how they work for you. Or if you have any additional tips, leave them in the comments! 

Disclaimer: In the name of full transparency, please be aware that this blog post contains affiliate links and any purchases made through such links may result in a small commission for us (at no extra cost for you). We only include affiliate links to high quality products we have used.